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বৈদ্য়ুতিক আধান আৰু ক্ষেত্ৰ

Physics পদাৰ্থ বিজ্ঞান

The first chapter of Class 12 Physics Electric charges and fields, *Electrostatics* স্থিতিবিদ্য়ুৎ , is crucial for Assamese medium students. It covers essential concepts like Coulomb's Law কুলম্বৰ সূত্ৰ, electric field, বৈদ্য়ুতিক ক্ষেত্ৰ electric potential,বৈদ্য়ুতিক বিভৱ and capacitance ধাৰকত্ব, providing a strong foundation for understanding charge আধান behavior. Comprehensive notes, solved examples, and derivations in Assamese help clarify topics such as Gauss’s Law গাউছৰ সূত্ৰ, electric dipoleবৈদ্য়ুতিক দ্বিমেৰু, and electrostatic potential. Students can access chapter-wise notes, solved numericals, important questions, and conceptual explanations tailored to the Assamese medium syllabus. Additionally, PDF downloads, previous year question papers, and practice sets in Assamese support effective revision. With quick revision notes, key point summaries, and video lectures, mastering *Electrostatics* becomes straightforward for Assamese medium learners.

স্থিতিবৈদ্য়ুতিক বিভৱ আৰু ধাৰকত্ব

Physics পদাৰ্থ বিজ্ঞান

The second chapter of Class 12 Physics, *Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance* স্থিতিবৈদ্য়ুতিক বিভৱ আৰু ধাৰকত্ব , is vital for Assamese medium students. This chapter explores the concepts of electrostatic potential energy স্থিতিবৈদ্য়ুতিক স্থিতিশক্তি , potential difference বিভৱভেদ , and the relationship between potential and electric field বিভৱ আৰু বৈদ্য়ুতিক ক্ষেত্ৰৰ মাজত সম্পৰ্ক , which are foundational for understanding the behavior of charges in electric fields বৈদ্য়ুতিক ক্ষেত্ৰ. Assamese medium learners can benefit from detailed notes, solved examples, and derivations that explain crucial topics such as equipotential surfaces সমবিভৱ পৃষ্ঠ , the principle of superposition অধ্য়াৰোপন বা উপৰিপাতন নীতি , and the calculation of capacitance ধাৰক আৰু ধাৰকত্ব for different geometries. Resources like chapter-wise notes, solved numericals, and important questions in Assamese are available to help students grasp these complex ideas. Additionally, PDF downloads, previous year question papers, and practice sets in Assamese aid in effective preparation and revision. With concise revision notes, key point summaries, and video lectures tailored for the Assamese medium, mastering *Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance* becomes more accessible and manageable for students.

28.00 23.00

প্ৰৱাহী বিদ্য়ুত

Physics পদাৰ্থ বিজ্ঞান

Class 12 Physics Chapter 3 অধ্য়ায় ৩ : Current Electricity (Assamese Medium) Explore Current Electricity প্ৰবাহী বিদ্য়ুত with our notes, solutions, and important formulas in Assamese. Understand key concepts like Ohm's Law , Kirchhoff's Laws , Resistivity, and Conductivity. Access solved examples, numerical problems, and practical experiments to master electric power and energy calculations. Prepare with previous year hslc question papers, MCQs, and a question bank. Download the Assamese medium Class 12 Physics textbook PDF and watch video lectures. Our chapter-wise solutions, revision notes, and summary cover all important topics and derivations. Find applications of current electricity and important questions to excel in your exams. বিদ্য়ুত প্ৰবাহ, পৰিবাহীত বিদ্য়ুত প্ৰবাহ, ওমৰ সূত্ৰ, অপবাহ গতি, ওমৰ সূত্ৰৰ সীমাবদ্ধতা, উষ্ণতাৰ ওপৰত ৰোধকতাৰ নিৰ্ভৰশীলতা, বৈদ্য়ুতিক শক্তি ক্ষমতা, কাৰ্চফৰ সূত্ৰ মিটাৰ ব্ৰীজ

35.00 29.00

গতিশীল আধান আৰু চুম্বকত্ব

Physics পদাৰ্থ বিজ্ঞান

Class 12 Physics Chapter 4: Moving Charges and Magnetism (Assamese Medium) অধ্য়ায় ৪ Delve into Moving Charges and Magnetism with our comprehensive notes, solutions, and important formulas in Assamese. Grasp essential concepts such as the motion of charged particles in magnetic fields, Biot-Savart Law, Ampere's Circuital Law, and the force on a current-carrying conductor. Utilize solved examples, numerical problems, and practical experiments to understand the magnetic effects of electric current and electromagnetic induction. Prepare effectively with previous year question papers, MCQs, and a question bank. Download the Assamese medium Class 12 Physics textbook PDF and watch video lectures. Our chapter-wise solutions, revision notes, and summary cover all important topics and derivations. Discover applications of moving charges and magnetism and find important questions to excel in your exams. চৌম্বিক বল, চৌম্বিক ক্ষেত্ৰত গতি , বায়-চাভাৰ্ট সূত্ৰ, বৃত্তাকাৰ প্ৰবাহ কুণ্ডলীৰ অক্ষত চৌম্বিক ক্ষেত্ৰ, এম্পিয়াৰৰ বৰ্তনী সম্বন্ধীয় সূত্ৰ, চলেনইড, দুই সমান্তৰাল প্ৰবাহৰ মাজৰ বল, প্ৰবাহ কুণ্ডলীৰ ওপৰত টৰ্ক, চৌম্বিক দ্বিমেৰু, চলকুণ্ডলী গেলভেন'মিটাৰ

25.00 19.00

চুম্বকত্ব আৰু পদাৰ্থ

Physics পদাৰ্থ বিজ্ঞান

Class 12 Physics Chapter 5: Magnetism and Matter (Assamese Medium) অধ্য়ায় ৫ Discover the fascinating world of Magnetism and Matter with our detailed notes, solutions, and important formulas in Assamese. Understand crucial concepts such as magnetic properties of materials, Earth's magnetism, and magnetic field lines. Utilize solved examples, numerical problems, and practical experiments to grasp the magnetic effects of electric currents and the behavior of magnetic materials. Prepare thoroughly with previous year question papers, MCQs, and a question bank. Download the Assamese medium Class 12 Physics textbook PDF and watch video lectures. Our chapter-wise solutions, revision notes, and summary cover all important topics and derivations. Explore applications of magnetism and matter and find important questions to excel in your exams. দণ্ড চুম্বক, চুম্বকত্ব আৰু গাউছৰ সূত্ৰ, চুম্বকায়ন আৰু চৌম্বিক প্ৰাৱল্য়, পদাৰ্থৰ চোম্বিক ধৰ্ম, অপচুম্বকত্ব, কুৰীৰ সূত্ৰ, লৌহচুম্বকত্ব, অণুচুম্বকত্ব

16.00 11.00

বিদ্য়ুৎ চুম্বকীয় আৱেশ

Physics পদাৰ্থ বিজ্ঞান

Class 12 Physics Chapter 6: Electromagnetic Induction (Assamese Medium) অধ্য়ায় ৬ Explore Electromagnetic Induction with our detailed notes, solutions, and important formulas in Assamese. Understand key concepts such as Faraday's Laws of Electromagnetic Induction, Lenz's Law, and self-induction. Utilize solved examples, numerical problems, and practical experiments to master the principles of electromagnetic induction and its applications. Prepare thoroughly with previous year question papers, MCQs, and a question bank. Download the Assamese medium Class 12 Physics textbook PDF and watch video lectures. Our chapter-wise solutions, revision notes, and summary cover all important topics and derivations. Discover applications of electromagnetic induction and find important questions to excel in your exams. ফেৰাডে আৰু হেনৰিৰ পৰীক্ষাসমূহ , চৌম্বিক অভিৱাহ বা ফ্লাক্স, ফেৰাডেৰ আৱেশৰ সূত্ৰ, লেঞ্জৰ সূত্ৰ আৰু শক্তি সংৰক্ষণ নীতি, গতীয় বিদ্য়ুত চালক বল, আৱেশক, পৰিবৰ্তী প্ৰবাহ উৎপাদক Faraday and henry's experiments, Magnetic flux, Faraday's Law of induction, Lenz's law and conservation energy, motional electromotve force, inductance, mutual and self inductance, ac generator

20.00 15.00

পৰিবৰ্তী প্ৰবাহ

Physics পদাৰ্থ বিজ্ঞান

class 12 Physics Chapter 7: Alternating Current (Assamese Medium) অধ্য়ায় ৭ Explore Alternating Current with our detailed notes, solutions, and important formulas in Assamese. Understand key concepts such as the generation of alternating current, RMS value, and peak value. Learn about the phase relationship between voltage and current, reactance, impedance, and power in AC circuits. Utilize solved examples, numerical problems, and practical experiments to master the principles of transformers and resonance in AC circuits. Prepare thoroughly with previous year question papers, MCQs, and a question bank. Download the Assamese medium Class 12 Physics textbook PDF and watch video lectures. Our chapter-wise solutions, revision notes, and summary cover all important topics and derivations. Discover applications of alternating current and find important questions to excel in your exams. ফেজৰ চিত্ৰ, ৰোধক, আৱেশক আৰু ধাৰকত প্ৰয়োগ কৰা পৰিবৰ্তী প্ৰবাহ, LCR বৰ্তনী, ৰূপান্তৰক, পৰিবৰ্তী প্ৰবাহ বৰ্তনীৰ ক্ষমতা, ক্ষমতা গুণকC

35.00 29.00

বিদ্য়ুত চুম্বকীয় তৰংগ

Physics পদাৰ্থ বিজ্ঞান

Class 12 Physics Chapter 8: Electromagnetic Waves (Assamese Medium) অধ্য়ায় ৮ Explore Electromagnetic Waves with our detailed notes, solutions, and important formulas in Assamese. Understand key concepts such as the nature of electromagnetic waves, their characteristics, and the electromagnetic spectrum. Learn about the propagation of electromagnetic waves, their speed, and their interaction with matter. Utilize solved examples, numerical problems, and practical experiments to master the principles of electromagnetic waves and their applications. Prepare thoroughly with previous year question papers, MCQs, and a question bank. Download the Assamese medium Class 12 Physics textbook PDF and watch video lectures. Our chapter-wise solutions, revision notes, and summary cover all important topics and derivations. Discover applications of electromagnetic waves and find important questions to excel in your exams. সৰণ প্ৰবাহ, বিদ্য়ুত চুম্বকীয় তৰংগ, বিদ্য়ুত চুম্বকীয় বৰ্ণালী

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