Welcome to our website Edorb.in, your one-stop destination for comprehensive study materials and solutions tailored for students from Class 5 to 10 following the SEBA & from 9 to 12 following the NCERT curriculum, available in both Assamese and English languages. Specifically designed for Science stream (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology) students in Classes 11 and 12, our platform offers meticulously curated notes, detailed exercise solutions, and engaging blogs covering advanced physics topics. Additionally, we provide online classes and coaching for medical and engineering entrance exams( like JEE, CEE , NEET , NEST, etc.), ensuring a holistic learning experience.
Explore our vast collection of study resources, including textbooks, video lectures, and practice exams, all designed to enhance your understanding and boost your grades. Our team of experienced educators and subject matter experts ensures that you receive accurate and reliable information, making learning enjoyable and effective.
Whether you're preparing for board exams, competitive entrance tests, or simply aiming to deepen your knowledge in physics and related fields, we have the tools and support you need. Our interactive online platform allows you to study at your own pace, access live classes, and interact with tutors for personalized guidance.
Join our community of motivated learners and take your academic journey to new heights. With our comprehensive resources and expert guidance, success is within your reach.